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New Semester Note from Shk Mowlid Ali

Date: January 05, 2017

Dear Al-Misbah parents and community members,

I hope you and your family are doing well by the mercy of Allah swt.

Alhamdulillah, the spring semester is about to start. Please be informed that the classes will start this Saturday, January 14th at 10:30pm. We also have a very important announcement.  Before I tell you the announcement, think about the following statements­­­­­– I am quoting it from my teacher:

“Consistency of message,

Courage in confrontation,

Patience through hardship,

Humbleness after victory,

The signs of truthfulness;

if your 15-year-old son or daughter can’t recall a few examples on each one of them, you have not taught them enough about the Seerah of the prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.”

We want to make sure that our students are able to draw lessons from the Seerah of the Prophet. And in doing so, I am delighted to inform you that, in the spring semester, we are going to teach two courses: the Seerah and History of Islam. Br. Yasir will be teaching the Seerah every Saturday from 12:30pm-1:30pm. Br. Mahen will teach the History of Islam on Sundays from 12:30pm-1:15pm.

We believe these two courses are very important for our young students. Through Seerah, they will understand and appreciate the sacrifices that the prophet and his companions made for humanity.

Please be sure to bring your children to Al-Misbah so they can learn more about the prophet and his companions. Together we can achieve that goal.

One more thing. Please order “ Muhammad: Man and Prophet” by Adil Salahi. This is considered one of the best Seerah books written in English. In case you want to order the book, here is a link:

[button color=”#773101″ background=”#FEC123″ size=”large” src=”″]Muhammad: Man and Prophet [/button]



Mowlid Ali
Al-Misbah Quran Academy


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