JazakAllaahu Khayran for your continuous support to Jamaat Ibad Ar-Rahman. It is your donations that allow us to keep up the many community activities at JIAR.
It’s because of your donations and duas, that we now have recurring youth, community, dawah and women programs. We have two active schools, our own Al Misbah Hifz School and An Noor Sunday School. Along with the above, we are also working on many new initiatives and all that was, is and will be possible only with your support.
Allah says (which can be interpreted as): “Of their wealth take alms to purify and sanctify them.” [at-Tawba 9:103.] Furthermore: “He that spends his possessions [on others] so that he might grow in purity.” [al-Layl 92: 18.]
You can submit donations using the links on the top of the page for any of the following categories:
- Masjid Operation
- Zakat-Al-Mal
- Saddaqah
- Fayetteville St. Masjid Building
- Funeral Home
- Food Pantry
- Dawah
Otherways to support the community and your local Masjids