JazakAllaahu Khayran for your continuous support to Jamaat Ibad Ar-Rahman. Please contribute toward our fundraiser and help us sustain our masjids.

Author: JIAR





For the first time ever, a unified Eid festival is being held by Triangle masjids!Get ready for an unforgettable day of family fun at Eid Fest—the Ultimate Eid Celebration in NC—packed with thrilling activities for all ages in a spacious in...

The Making of a Mufassir ...


Alsalamu Alikum dear community members! As we expect Eidul-Fitr to be on Wednesday April 10, we would like to announce Eid prayer schedule for both masjids.- First shift: 7:30 AM Parkwood (takbeer will start at 7:00 AM) - Dr Ihab Saa...

Jazak'ALLah khayr for attending JIAR this Ramadan and for participating in our Ramadan services.We want to hear your feedback, so we can keep improving our logistics and services.Please fill this quick ANONYMOUS SURVEY and let us kno...


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