JazakAllaahu Khayran for your continuous support to Jamaat Ibad Ar-Rahman. Please contribute toward our fundraiser and help us sustain our masjids.

Day: October 7, 2022

Alsalamu Alikum dear community members. We are proposing new cemetery parking  driveways and drainage improvements. Our goal is to collect $32,500. Please donate toward this goal.  ...

An interactive and informal class for new Muslim and those seeking to learn about Islam. Every other Tuesday between Maghreb and Ishaa starting Tuesday Oct. 11th at Fateteville St. Masjid. ...

Join for an interactive lesson on how to spread ISLAM! Oct. 7th @ 5:30 PM at the Parkwood Masjid. Age 13+ only. Refreshments will be provided. ...

©2020 Jamaat Ibad Ar-Rahman