JazakAllaahu Khayran for your continuous support to Jamaat Ibad Ar-Rahman. Please contribute toward our fundraiser and help us sustain our masjids.

Author: JIAR



JIAR Youth Presents Junior Boys Summer Program Ages 9-12 Every Friday 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM June 16th - August 25th at JIAR Parkwood location ...



Conducted by Imama Abdenasser Zouhri & Br. Muhammad Nubee. Every Friday 8PM-9PM (between Maghrib & Isha`a) starting May 12, 2023 at JIAR Fayetteville St. Masjid ...

Jazzak Allah khair for joining our community this last Ramadan. We would like your feedback to improve in the future. ...

Lecture by Maqsood Ahmad on May 21 2023 8PM at JIAR Fayetteville St. ...

Jamaat Ibad Arrahman extends its congratulations to the Triangle Muslim community on the arrival of the blessed day of Eid-ul-Fitr on  Friday, April 21st. The date of Eid has been determined based on the local Triangle Imams' Co...

Eid Festival is rescheduled to Sunday because of 98% chance of rain on Saturday so we moved it to Sunday. Please share this with community members and all other groups ...

©2020 Jamaat Ibad Ar-Rahman