JazakAllaahu Khayran for your continuous support to Jamaat Ibad Ar-Rahman. Please contribute toward our fundraiser and help us sustain our masjids.

Category: JIAR News

Jazak'ALLah khayr for attending JIAR this Ramadan and for participating in our Ramadan services.We want to hear your feedback, so we can keep improving our logistics and services.Please fill this quick ANONYMOUS SURVEY and let us kno...


Asalam Alaikom dear respected brothers/sisters of the Triangle Muslim Community. The Triangle Imam Council (TIC) has agreed to announce the following: The first night of Taraweeh will be on Sunday, March 10, 2024. The first day of fasting i...


Register Now Deadline for registration: March 17, 2024Date for Competition: Sund...






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